blest's website

Felix the silliest cat below

a gif of a cat called felix


Hai!! my name is blest online, below is a bit about me and things i like

  • I enjoy music such as Shoegaze,Emo - midwest emo and some '3rd-wave/post-hardcore' (stuff like PTV and MCR), and pop-punk. I also like digicore and The Cure, ik its a bit all over the place

  • I'm 18 and I'm from the UK, I only speak english but know some basic german words/phrases from when I was trying to teach myself that from duolingo, which I do not recommend that app is sh*t

  • The cat on the site is called Felix and he is my girlfriend's, unfortunatley not mine, but I do love him :3, he's very silly and shy

Video Of The Week

Site Infomation

I made this site as a way to have my own creative outlet that also allows me to learn :P

This site was first created on the 8th of December, 2024, but online 28th of december of the same year. So that I could teach myself HTML, and then eventually some JavaScript and CSS, in order to make a nice looking site that contains my own personal blog and whatever else I feel like :P

The site isn't very pretty, butI'd much rather document things online and have more words/posts than less posts and some shitty JS that no one will ever see, hours of frustrating experimentation with css and a site with less "stuff" yk?

The sites aesthetics do interest me and are some what important, but certainly not in the early days whilst I iron out wrinkles yk

Also sorry for poor grammar as I am just writing it into the neocities file editor and not a word processor that'll flag up mistakes.