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The Future of my minecraft worlds (Post #4: Minecraft)
Today I watched a video from 4 months ago on Stampy's youtube channel (Visiting My Lovely World - Official Download - FAQ), and it made me think of stuff I could add to my own world. I feel like the best way to play minecraft is to ignore all the new content and have your own creativity as the primary focus, like whilst I love camels, and the wither, and pillagers, for example. Minecraft is really just about being creative and building, well to me anyway. So from now on I think I'd like to have a "fun land" or something similar to what stampy built over the years, as the primary goal. Like make a huge city that's filled with minigames.
Soon the 'Gaming blog' and Minecraft blog posts should be on seperate parts of the site as my main posts here are probably going to be MC related and I'd want the site to be a bit clearer and have my MC stuff easier to find in the future when theres more Minecraft posts.
{posted on 11/01/2025}
MAIN WORLD TOUR!!!(Post #3:Minecraft)
In this post i wanted to show off what ive got so far in my 1.21.4 Hardcore world. Unfortunatley a cloud backup of this world was corrupted so i lost some progress i made on a bridge i had built
BUT! that data loss is just motivation to keep playing, tbh.
I'll still be playing on my 1.7.3beta world but this world is much older and is my personal favourite! :3
This stone brick structure is where my base started, I made the choice of living in the river as a way of avoiding googlies and losing my world when I least expect it. The image on the right is the part that's underwater.
Later on i constructed the birch part when I had the resources, then a tunnel between the two, the birch area is now the center of the base. :D
So, this is the main 'birch' area I was talking about, containg my main resource chests, my bed and furnaces, but also a stairway to my villagers
My villagers sleeping peacfully,in the second pic. I know their area isn't very big but I like to think they're not too miserable in their glass prison, it's like one of those submerged hotels one day they'll probably be moved to a nicer home.
Just not got around to it yet :/
A long corridor comes off of my center room that leads to an exit to the surface, Librarians, and a nether portal + Cartographer
On the left we've got eepy Tim, the previously mentioned Cartographer, all my maps come from him. Chill guy.
My librarians are few in number, but they're still helpful, getting me my mending on my equipment and unbreaking I'm pretty sure, there's four in total down here. I think some died,
I did have two more near the birch gate entrance, but they're gone now :(
Closer to the BirchCenter, there's some stairs in the corridor leading to a enchantment room, It's not entierly complete but I do like the grey/black checker pattern.
There's a staircase coming off of this room to a mine, but that's very underwhelimg and thus not shown :P .
Back upstairs, we've got my two adorable cats!! I did once have ~6 dogs one was called Rose as she had a red collar of course, however they all disappeard when my world
save got corrupted as previously mentioned.
On the left we have a small circle of houses that have, at the moment, only two villagers in total. I want to get them into nicer houses, rather than underground. The large building on the right
picture was built first and is for shepards as i have whole lot of sheep, their wool is great for emeralds.
more coming soon, thanks for reading < 3
{posted on 10/01/2025}
Post #2:Minecraft
I started a beta minecraft world 1.7.3 to be exact. Its really fun to just focus on resource gatethering and building alone - nothing else -
the world was made around a week or two ago.
This is the ground floor of my home, consisting of my main chest and all my furnaces, i need to get some access to the nether if that even exists in this version so i can get lava for fuel. there is a lava pool near my house so i could always use that ig.
this is my bedroom and food storage area, theres no windows which gives me a really nice, clearer view of my area.